From now on..
Policy on max landing?? Not recommended due commercial.. But due to safety, can land overweight
Xwc x60/TAS..
@@Kat ODC (OMA-not memory item)
FP - MSF good enough
@@Masuk cockpit
Cek Buku - maint, MR1/2, red file
FO ATIS - nak QNH utk inst cx
PA test + crew briefing
Pa briefing
-flight time
-weather forecast
-any special procedures ke.(short taxy)
"Morning, PA test from flight deck, this is Captain Aziz, with me Captain____ and FO____. Flight time for today ____ and wx enroute will be cloudy/fine. Standard reporting n cockpit entry"
(Kalau bukan PA)
To leading, Standard reporting n cockpit entry (double chime for takeoff n approach, other than that, call from purser)
light test (20min or fire test, kalau kurang meaning dah lambat la tu)
Instrument scan and
Preflight checklist
After briefing, Fuel log, PTC, acars loadsheet
1-cx flight no
3-ac reg
4-crew 3+5
5-pax 130
6-ZFW 56721(masuk utk FMC)
8-Stab trim (FMC) loadsheet trim is base on Full Rated TO Thrust
10-dow+doi pantry code (manual loadsheet)
Welcome PA
(5mins- booklet dalam chart bag)
DOOR closed,
Cockpit to ground, ground check and pressurize hydraulic
FO letak hyd je, terus trim free and 0
Request clearance (5min)
Before START procedure until Anti Collision Lt,
Then before start CHECKLIST
Push n start...
ENGINE start proc please,
Start sequence 2,1
Normal engine start
To GND-Two good start, see u on the left/right
Engineer clear, call F5
Before taxi CHECKLIST
CRZ - fuel, pressurization, trim, FL300 N1 cont then auto Bulletin 21, eng out data
100nm to TOD
DESC proc- prepare APP baru briefing. 5things
-app flaps
-tune radio ILS/VOR
APP cx 10,000ft(seat belt)
Speed Brake down je, call after landing Proc
APU your management
Eng idle time 3 mins
APU on buss, start lever CUTOFF, door crosscheck - CALL SHUTDOWN proc
Tengok KIRI org mintak offchock time