pc and mac are 2 different things. it's like comparing a Ferrari and a Skyline. mac est plus stable and powerful. whereas, on the other hand, pc(windows+intel) is based on technology that is infected by a lot of flaws. such flaw can be seen in the windows NTFS and FAT32 system which is not an optimum manner of managing hardisk. en plus, mac is based on RISC design compared to the pc which is based on the CISC design
got this from imannudein, one of computer maniacs. yup, agree with him. for more info bout it, read RICS vs CISC documentation. *impressed*
fail PS22, one of my favourite subject. maybe, i've been infected by the "over confident virus". got to try again next semester... or... just pack your stuff, and fly back home, you mutton bone! =[
*banging head on wall*
but, then, i got 'A' for SI17-Technical Documentation... hugaga
*stop banging*
sometimes i feel that i have no power/hope to continue my studies here. havent told mom yet. but, this is my life. its depend on me. dont want to talk bout it anymore.
[project update] someone told me to change the forum interface to french... reason.. because we're in France *bah*... you know what i've done? simply delete the topic! hahahaha... what the heck. nobody want to help, but farking complain bout the changes i've made =S well, to save bandwith, i added "user_profile_shown_once" from phpbbhacks dot com. it makes page upload faster than before, saving time, bandwith, and lots more.
[musique on air]
BoomKat - The Wreckoning