
Friendster, which is known as a dating site that hooks up friends of friends, last year pulled in US$13 million (RM49 million) in venture capital – a significant amount considering the tough climate for new venture funding.

sapa tak tau friendster ak? site friend of friend yg free tu.. cool heh..

this is the world today. sekarang kita dah ada satu community site yg agak lancar. boleh bincang masalah, mengarut, beri info etc... kire ok laa,kan..

this is an invesment for the future. dulu saya pernah mintak katalah kita buat macam bayaran seminimum mungkin. ini bukan untuk ambil keuntungan ke apa. ini sume invesment. kite adalah pelajar baru tajaan jpa ke france. kita kena start. mana tau embassy nak beli or sponsor this kind of sites. memang tak sampai million, but at least kalau kita dapat buat gathering tanpa keluarkan sesen pun, dah cukup bermakna. you dont need to do nothing, just enjoy. i have my people to deal with it. but we cant deny it that it takes time.

utk pengetahuan anda sume, saya pernah mendapat offer utk buat website embassy, full version(thanks to fahmee who introduce me to kak tanti and the staffs). kalau org nak cakap saya nak ambil keuntungan saya boleh dapat dari embassy.. takan punya nak susahkan students sbb saya sendiri pun seorang student, dan saya tau macamane management elaun seorang student. lil bit complicated heh. tetapi offer ini terpaksa saya tolak disebabkan masalah yg tak dapat dielakkan, dan saya terpaksa meneruskan pengajian di malaysia. dan agak menyukarkan saya utk mengendalikan semua bentuk perjumpaan dan bayaran..

banyak article sekarang merendahkan martabat degree. pada pendapat saya mmg betul pun. sbb bayangkan dulu cthnya di UM graduate degree hanya 1000 org pada satu-satu masa. sekarang sudah meningkat kepada 6000 org. kita tak kira lagi yang ada prvate college, yg FAMA scholar, yg kolej-kolej.. sekali keluar tak bengong ke kepala.. mau dekat 100 000 setahun. memamng entreprise tak cukup laa nak amik sume graduan. lelama kedai nak bagi ayam makan pun perlukan degree (jgn makan ayam buat masa ni birdflu sedang menular di memane sahaja.. hehe)

what we need now, yes a degree PLUS a degree of life. means the way we communicate. the way we react. the way we think. our experiences. the way we talk, walk, drink etc.. think of it..

me, im here in malaysa, make me lil bit difficult to handle all this stuffs. but you all, there, come on laa, built a strong community(without me though.. or with me even if im in malaysia, ...). be good to each other, be honest to each other. we need just one thing to make it move, to make it grow, to make it unite. the one thing is you!

many will say "we still young", "no need to talk about working", "must concentrate in study" etc.. im fucking damn agree with it, but, as i said it before, this is an investment for the future. we can built our own megalo community, exchange in opinion, helping, so on.. so on...

ingat, sebelum balik, kita kena ade sesuatu. degree plus one thing that make us a powerful degree holder.. means that 2 things laa senang cerite.. hehe this is our chance to show off our real ability and that we are reliable to anything in this whole new modern world of globalisation ere..

lastly, study hard and party hard too! heh

*if only i were still there...*