Zeffire wrote :franchement..bravo ajis..
a very good point..
nowadays, degrees is not the only things that count.. it needs also a mix of experience and we also have to show that we now how to use what we have learnt during these long years..
but for me..the most important is 'how we mix with other people..'
i'm not a good writer..but..just to let you it's been nearly 10 years now that i've heard that we have to unite, we have to stay together, we have to be a really powerful community and bla bla bla...
i heard all that crap since i was 13 years old..
and you know what?? i don't trust that much...
i know that 10 years is not so long..but from my experience.. there is always back stabbers everywhere..( aku anti gile org yg kincing member sendiri )..
these people only think for themselves and they'll do anything to show that their great in some ways ( nak name je org² mcm nie..)
i know a lot of them..but i know how to handle with them..
i know that education is the most important thing in life...but we've got good examples of those who didn't succeed at U but they're succesful rite now..
even in malaysia. i heard some stories like this...
it shows that they weren't good at U but they've got a great social life and a lot of luck of course...
well, i'm writing all this crap just to tell you that to succeed is one thing but to make someone trust you is another thing..
just becareful..you can't trust everybody..and not everybody can trust you..
this is only my opinion ok..no offence to anyone..