alert... if there someone who use the -b2 cafelog-a classy news/weblog tool-, there are two files update to download. it has multiple securities vulnerabilities in previous package. dont cry to me, saying that 'my b2 weblog been hacked, its all your fault!'.. anyway, if you need a free blog hosting, i found 22 Blog Free Blogging & Blog Hosting, powered by, as i said, b2 cafelog... seriusly, its free.
yet another farking cool and steady tools for blogger wordpress dot org. and its always free to download =) why i'm writing this? am i really have time doing all this? did you know that my final exams is in 3 days times? =s
uuuhhh, it's cold today. guest what? hehe onefinejay wrote : "Pushing the limits of blogging about the mundane life". me too, i dont know exactly whot its mean, but.. hehe =]
[life's like that] always wondering, why are they so farking rich? how does it going to be, living with their own money, er i mean, a lot lot of money?!